DATAIO 2700 Universal Programmer 2700-PPI BASE Resources Page

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The software version is V5.20-5

software to be used with the DATAIO 2700 (windows) (ZIP Archive - 2.29Mb)

2700prog this which worked with the 2700 seems to be based on version 5.6 and I am not clear how Chiplab is different for 2700 and 2900.



chipfoot.txt 2700, Chiplab, and LabSite Footnotes Thu Sep 17, 1998

The Power supply is 24V same as the ChipLAB.
The PLCC adapter uses the matchbook type fixture and the pad with the gold threads in it for connection.
The PPI adapter, shown the 44pin qfp adapter, but it appears to take others.

Any information or software you can find would be very useful. I have an old version of software which used to be on the Data I/O site as demo version. But it was the real version if you did not invoke with demo mode.

If you look forward for other information about this Universal Programmer, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at: .
Important Notice: Also if you have any data about this kind of interface, do not hesitate to contribute to this page.

Si vous recherchez des informations pour ce programmateur de composants, vous pouvez me contacter par e-mail : . De même si vous avez des informations sur ce type de programmateur, n'hésitez pas à contribuer à cette page.

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M-à-j: 15 août, 2021.