National Semiconductor Microprocessor Databook 1989 Series 32000 - NSC800 Family

Series 32000 Overview: Introduction Key Features of Series 32000 Series 32000 Component Descriptions Hardware Chart Support Devices Military Aerospace Program CPU-Central Processing Units: NS32532-20, NS32532-25, NS32532-30, High-Performance 32-Bit Microprocessors NS32332-15 32-Bit Advanced Microprocessors NS32C032-10, NS32081-15 High Performance Microprocessors NS32C016-10, NS32C016-15 High Performance Microprocessors Slave Processors: NS32382-10, NS32382-15 Memory Management Units (MMU) NS32082-10 Memory Management Unit (MMU) NS32381-15, NS32381-20, NS32381-25, NS32381-30 Floating-Point Units NS32081-10, NS32081-15 Floating Point Units NS32580-20, NS32580-25, NS32580-30 Floating-Ponit Controllers Peripherals: NS32C201-10, NS32C201-15 Timing Control Units NS32202-10 Interrupt Control Unit NS32203-10 Direct Memory Access Controller Development Systems and Software Tools: SYS32/30 PC-Add-In Development Package Series 32000 GENIX Native and Cross-Support (GNX) Development Tools (Version 3) Series 32000 Ada Cross-Development System for SYS32/VMS Host Series 32000 Ada Cross-Development System for VAX/VMS Host Series 32000 GNX-Version 3 Fortran 77 Optimizing Compiler Series 32000 GNX-Version 3 Pascal Optimizing Compiler Application Notes: AB-26 Instruction Execution time of FPU NS32081 Considered for Stan-Alone Configurations AB-27 Use of the NS32332 with the NS32082 and the NS32201 AB-40 PC Board Layout for Floating Point Units AB-44 A Method for efficient Task Switching Using the NS32381 FPU AN-383 Interfacing

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