Advantech PC-UPROG Universal Programmer resources page
programmateur Advantech PC-UPROG.- Page de Ressources

also rebranded as American Reliance PC-UPROG universal programmer


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<Click on image to enlarge>


<Click on image to enlarge> complete archive

schematic adapter card courtesy of Gonzalo Fernandez Val from SPAIN


Name            u2pcl560;
Partno          GAL16V8D-10LP;
Date            22/07/2013;
Revision        02;
Designer        Advantech;
Company         Advantech Co. Ltd.;
Location        U2;
Device          g16v8as;        /* must specify simple mode (g16v8as), */
Format          j;              /* auto mode (g16v8) does not work!    */

/* This revision decodes addresses settled by A8, A7 and A6 jumpers */

/* Output B1 (pin 17 of U2) goes to pin 11 of   */
/* U3. Because U3 is not necessary we can use   */
/* B1 as an intermediate variable, we cannot    */
/* use pin 15 of U2 as an intermediate variable */
/* because this pin has no feedback path in     */
/* simple mode (g16v8as)                        */
/* We need simple mode because we need          */
/* pin 11 of U2 as an input, not output         */

/* Inputs: define inputs */

Pin 1 = A0;
Pin 2 = A1;
Pin 3 = A2;
Pin 4 = A3;
Pin 5 = A4;
Pin 6 = A5;
Pin 7 = A6;
Pin 8 = A7;
Pin 9 = A8;
Pin 12 = A9;
Pin 13 = A10;
Pin 14 = A11;

/* Outputs: define outputs as active HI levels */

Pin 16 = B0;
Pin 17 = B1;
Pin 18 = B2;
Pin 19 = B3;

/* Logic: define logic equations expressed in CUPL */

B2 = !A2                /* Rearrange the order of equations to reach */
   # !A11 & A3          /* every equation has less than 9 Pterms     */
   # !A10 & A4
   # !A9 & A5
   # A9 & !A5
   # A10 & !A4
   # A11 & !A3;
B0 = A0
   # A1
   # B2;
B1 = A0
   # A1
   # A6
   # A7
   # A8
   # B2;
B3 = A0
   # A1
   # B2;


U2PCL560.PLD (.pld) courtesy of Gonzalo Fernandez Val from Spain


Here is the schematic in .pdf of revision A1 of the PCL-560 card together the .jed file intended to program into a GAL 16V8.
Remove U2 and U3 of the rev. A1 board and put the programmed GAL16V8 into U2 socket, this works, It has been tested OK.
Schematic of A1 revision is like the schematic of A2 revision (A2 revision does not have U3 chip)

PCL-560 Adapter Card universal programmer Rev. A2 schematics (work in progress) courtesy Mauro (Italy)

PCL-560 Pic Adapter Card courtesy Mauro(Italy) work in progress

The micro board and the connector are in that way to be 'compatible' with the Advantech Pod (remember? one idea is to 'emulate' the ISA adapter with a micro serially connected to my portable). The strange supply circuit have a resistor in series to avoid serious damages to the pal/gal/peel/... and the reason is that the micro I use only have pull-up resistors so to recognize tri-state outputs I cannot put the device pin low safelly. To see if an output is driven high I briefly short using the micro to ground one pin at time. The '876 have a max output current of about 20mA so with the resistor I'm hoping to not damage anything (and so far I didn't). But I can change my mind and the circuit to. Having the device supply controllable by the micro I can also surelly reset the pal/gal/peel/... forcing in the registered devices in a known state. And here is my bet to reverse, at least for the non asynchronous machines, also the registered devices. The micro fw is written in jal, the pc sw in gawk

Power supply schematic Advantech PC-UPROG courtesy Mauro (Italy)

if you have any different versions of the software to be used with the Advantech PC-UPROG programmer, thank you to send it to me.

Advantech PC-UPROG User's Manual ( PDF - 9.14 Mb - 28 pages)

Adapters pin table (PDF - 9.14 Mb - 28 pages)


Advantech PC-UPROG software ( ZIP Archive - 600Kb) Advantech Universal Programmer Driver V2.76 1996 (c) Copyright Advantech ltd. , Co. 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995 (ZIP Archive - 340Kb)


cable DB37 M - DB37M straight 1-1 ... 37-37


<Click to enlarge>


If you look forward for other information about this Universal Programmer, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at: .
Important Notice: Also if you have any data about this programmer, adapters diagrams, do not hesitate to contribute to this page.

Si vous recherchez des informations pour ce programmateur, vous pouvez me contacter par e-mail : . De même si vous avez des informations sur ce programmateur, n'hésitez pas à contribuer à cette page.

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27 novembre, 2022