GP Industrial Electronics XP640 Device programmer resources page
Programmateur de composant XP640 de GP Industrial Electronics - page de ressources

Eprom Programmer XP640 resources


XP640 Operating Manual (PDF-47 pages - 28.6 Mb) GP Industrial XP640 device programmer repair GP Industrial XP640 Programmer Software GPView 1.5.4 (01/02/23) (updated 05/07/22)

This new version of GPView allows the display of up to 10 ports available for use in the Connect dialog, including USB serial devices for Linux which were difficult to use before. There is a logging option in Options/other for anyone interested in the data sent and received; the software has been tested with USB serial cables.

note concerning Zif socket -PDF - 1 page - 48Kb)


XU620 modules including one of the internal PCB - they consist of another Z80 based micro with 2 K static RAM and 32 K EPROM. It relies on 3 x 8255 peripheral interface chips to connect to the programming adapters themselves.

XU620 firmware (ZIP Archive - 41Kb)


here download the part 1 of the manual of the GP8000 (PDF- 27 pages -1.13 Mb)

here download the part 2 of the manual of the GP8000 (PDF- 28 pages -1.19Mb )

interfaces available : Video, parallel interface and Serial RS232

firmware V1.3 (shift-Click to download - ZIP Archive - 118 Kb) this archive contains the eprom dumps for the XP640 eprom programmer with 1.3 firmware and a pic of their location on the pcb. The code is split into a 27128 and a 2764, there is also a 2732 with character generator data (I think).

firmware V1.4 (shift-Click to download ( ZIP Archive - 24Kb) this archive contains the eprom dumps for the XP640 eprom programmer with 1.4 firmware

firmware V1.6 (Shift-Click to download - ZIP Archive - 39 Kb) this archive contains the eprom dumps for the XP640 eprom programmer with 1.6 firmware

firmware V1.8 (shift-Click to download - ZIP Archive - 31 Kb)

firmware V2.1 (shift-Click to download - ZIP Archive - 39 Kb)

eprom V2.1L is a 27128-25
eprom V2.1H is a 2764-25
eprom CG is a 2732

firmware V2.3 (shift-Click to download - ZIP Archive - 28 Kb)

eprom V2.3L is a 27128-25
eprom V2.3H is a 2764-25
eprom CG is a 2732

firmware V2.43

eprom V2.43H 27128

eprom V2.43L 27128

firmware V2.43 (ZIP Archive - 31Kb)

firmware V2.5

eprom V2.5H

eprom V2.5L

eprom CG

firmware V2.5 (ZIP Archive - 31Kb)

firmware V3.1 (ZIP Archive - 24Kb) Here are the dumps of the XP640 v3.1 firmware EPROMs, they must both be a 27128. This version adds the ability to program 32 pin EPROMs if anyone has the GP adapter that is required to do it.


firmware V3.3 (ZIP Archive) V3.3 XP640 firmware

old adverts from the January 1985 edition of Electronics Australia and July 1985 edition of Electronics Today International (Australia)

XP640 advert from the January 1985 edition of Electronics Australia (PDF- 1 page- 357Kb)


ETI 1986 April Equipment Review : Understudy - XP640 programmer and XM512 Emulator (PDF- 4 pages - 4.37Mb)

XM512 Eprom Emulator Byte Advert (PDF- 1 page - 510Kb)





If you look forward for other information about this GP Indusrial Electronics XP640 Eprom programmer, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at: .
Important Notice: Also if you have any data about this programmer, adapter diagrams, do not hesitate to contribute to this page.

Si vous recherchez des informations pour ce programmateur XP640 de GP Industrial Electronics, vous pouvez me contacter par e-mail : . De même si vous avez des informations sur ce programmateur, n'hésitez pas à contribuer à cette page.

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M-à-j: 25 février, 2023.